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Airline Roundtable Policies

Airline Roundtable Policies

A flagship event of the ACPC, Airline Roundtable meetings are considered to be one of the core ingredients that have made the conference so successful for 66 years.

Event Details

Monday, August 26th, 2024
Grand Ballroom
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:50 PM – 5:00 PM

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024
Grand Ballroom
9:00 AM – 12:20 PM

Airline Participation Requirements

  • All ACPC Airline companies must participate in Airline Roundtable Sessions on Monday and Tuesday according to the following criteria. Note: Roundtables are divided into three (3) types of tables: Purchasing, Repair/Overhaul and Combination (Purchasing & Repair).
# of Airline Attendees at 2024 ACPCMin # of Hosted Tables for Monday and Tuesday
4 or less attendeesMinimum of 1 table
5 to 8 attendeesMinimum of 2 tables
Nine or more attendeesMinimum of 3 tables
  • No more than two (2) airline company representatives are permitted at any given Airline Roundtable Session.
  • Spouse/Guest attendees are not permitted in the Roundtable area at any time.

Supplier Priority Grouping for Airline Roundtable Appointments

  • Payment of the Supplier Company Commitment for ACPC will lock in timestamp for the Company to select its Airline Roundtable appointments onsite.
  • Approximately one month prior to the event, the Main Company Contact will receive an email confirming the Company’s Priority Grouping (15-minute timeslot) where they will select their Airline Roundtable Appointments on Saturday, August 24th, 2024.
  • At that time, Company will also confirm their representative who will be selecting the Airline Roundtable Appointments.

Supplier Appointment Roundtable Selection Procedure

  • Outside of the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area, Suppliers will monitor the Roundtable Availability Chart screens on the monitors.
  • Appointment request sheets will be provided to record desired Roundtable appointments.
    • Roundtables are divided into three (3) types of tables: Purchasing, Repair/Overhaul and Combination (Purchasing & Repair).
  • This year, each registered Supplier company will be permitted to schedule 3 roundtable appointments on Monday and 2 on Tuesday.
  • Appointments are booked onsite at the hotel on Saturday. Each Supplier Company representative will receive an email approximately 4 weeks prior to the Conference advising you of your 15 minute timeslot on Saturday when you can select your appointments for Monday and Tuesday.
  • The chosen Supplier Company representative will enter the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area at the beginning of the assigned 15-minute priority group time.
  • In order to gain access to the area the chosen Supplier representative must bring the email confirming the Supplier Company’s Airline Appointment Priority Grouping and ID.
    • The Supplier entering the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area MUST be the Supplier representative indicated on the email confirmation. If there has been a change to this person, the Supplier representative indicated on the email must submit the change in writing to [email protected].
  • Once inside the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area, a Volunteer will assist the Supplier in confirming the desired appointments. In the event that a requested appointment is no longer available, the Volunteer will ask the Supplier to make another selection.
  • The Volunteer will then confirm and email the schedule to the Supplier. (The Supplier can also collect their printed schedule upon exiting the room).
  • It is the responsibility of the Supplier to verify the printed appointments PRIOR to leaving the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area. Upon departing from the area, the Supplier officially confirms and validates the appointments are correct. If a Supplier has a question regarding any of the appointments on the printed confirmation, the Supplier will be directed to the Roundtable Appointment Customer Service desk located within the Airline Roundtable Appointment Selection area.

Supplier Participation Requirements

  • Only paid Suppliers may participate in Airline Roundtable Sessions.
  • No more than two (2) Supplier Company representatives are permitted at any given Roundtable appointment.
  • Spouse/Guest attendees are not permitted in the Roundtable area at any time.

Overall Roundtable Sessions Guidelines

  • Each Airline Roundtable Session is ten (10) minutes in length.
    • The Committee will provide an audible tone signaling the end of each appointment period.
    • Please observe the ten (10) minute limit by moving clear of the table, and the room, if you do not have a concurrent scheduled appointment.
    • Suppliers are encouraged to politely remind other Suppliers who may be occupying their respective appointment time. If there is a problem, contact one of the Roundtable Committee members in the area for assistance.
  • Supplier participants shall remain outside of the Roundtable area until their scheduled appointment time.
    • When the audible tone is heard, those Suppliers with scheduled appointments during that period may enter the Roundtable area, while those Suppliers who have completed their appointments must leave the Roundtable area.
    • Airline personnel are urged to help enforce this policy and notify a Roundtable Committee member of any infractions. Violators will be escorted from the premises.
  • Each airline table will be identified with the airline name prominently displayed. Each airline name sign is marked as to the nature of the purchasing function being conducted, i.e. Purchasing, Repair or Combination.